Home » Bulgaria’s Bulgartransgaz Launches Auction for Purchase of 80,000 MWh of Natural Gas
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Bulgaria’s Bulgartransgaz Launches Auction for Purchase of 80,000 MWh of Natural Gas

Bulgaria’s public gas transmission operator, Bulgartransgaz, has announced the commencement of an auction to acquire 80,000 MWh of natural gas for the technological needs of the country’s gas transmission system. The gas must be delivered between August 16 and September 1, with a daily requirement of 5,000 MWh.

The auction, which will be held on the supplier’s Balkan Gas Hub trading platform, is open until midday on August 15. Interested bidders must possess a valid gas trading license approved by Bulgaria’s utilities regulator.

Participants in the auction can offer a minimum quantity of 500 MWh per day. The starting price for the natural gas will be based on the wholesale price applicable for August, which currently stands at 59.67 levs ($33.56 / 30.50 euro). The starting price will be discounted by 1.67 levs.

Last month, Bulgartransgaz initiated the expansion of the above-ground infrastructure at Bulgaria’s only underground gas storage site in Chiren. This project aims to increase Chiren’s capacity from the current 550 million cubic meters (bcm) to 1 billion cubic meters (bcm).

Source : Energyportal
