Home » Bosnia Draws Half Bln USD of Foreign Investment in 2021
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Bosnia Draws Half Bln USD of Foreign Investment in 2021

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) drew foreign investment worth a total of 971 million convertible marks (KM) (502 million U.S. dollars) in 2021, said the Central Bank of BiH (CBBH) on Thursday.

The highest inflows of investment were from Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom, said CBBH in its statistical research on foreign direct investment.

By activities, most investments were realized in retail trade with an amount of 172.9 million KM, followed by the production of finished metal products, and base metal production, said the central bank.

Since 1997 when the CBBH was established, the country has attracted 16.28 billion KM of foreign investment, according to the CBBH. (1 KM = 0.518 U.S. dollars)
