Home » Serbia’s SEEPEX Intraday Electricity Market to Go Live in July
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Serbia’s SEEPEX Intraday Electricity Market to Go Live in July

Serbian electricity exchange SEEPEX announced that the intraday electricity market will start operating on July 28 at the latest.

“SEEPEX would like to announce that Serbian intraday go-live will take place in the period between July 25 and July 28. Registration for intraday is in progress and companies that register by June 30 will be able to start trading from the beginning,” the Serbian electricity exchange said.

Dejan Stojčevski, Chief Operating Officer of the SEEPEX power exchange, says that the start of the intraday electricity market has been scheduled for the week of 25-28 July.

This would be the first result of the cooperation between the SEEPEX and BSP SouthPool

“The introduction of the intraday market represents a new product on the electricity market and an important step in facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources,” said Stojčevski.

The launch of the intraday electricity market on the Serbian SEEPEX power exchange will bring Serbia closer to joining the single European market, create conditions for easier integration of variable renewable energy sources and accelerate the energy transition.

The intraday electricity market will be the first result of the cooperation between SEEPEX and Slovenia’s exchange BSP SouthPool, which in December jointly established the Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange – ADEX, the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE).

Source: Balkan Green Energy News
