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Defense Minister: Bulgaria Will Start Sending Military Aid to Ukraine Soon

The process of sending of military aid to Ukraine will soon begin“, announced Bulgaria‘s Defense Minister Todor Tagarev. He could not say when the first deliveries would be on Ukrainian territory, but indicated that Kyiv would receive the most necessary resources immediately.

Bulgaria will support Ukraine‘s membership in NATO after the end of the war“, Tagarevexplained. He also indicated that he has read and is in solidarity with the content of the draft declaration submitted by GERB-SDS, WCC-DB, DPS and TISP. He said that it is adequate for the NATO-Ukraine Commission to be elevated to the NATO-Ukraine Council.

It is in the process of implementation. This is a whole operation. Months. I hope that it takes a few months. The aid that is given to Ukraine is not only for its immediate needs, but that in the long term it will achieve a very high level of operational compatibility with NATO. The official wording is when conditions allow, but the main thing is not to wage war on Ukrainian territory,” said Todor Tagarev, Minister of Defense.

The Bulgarian National Television (BNT) asked some additional questions:

BNT: Are there proposals for giving security guarantees?

This issue has not been discussed at the moment. These talks are conducted on a bilateral basis, we have not been part of these talks so far and we have no intention of conducting such talks,” Tagarev answered.

Tagarev does not think that Bulgaria should take part in discussions on giving security guarantees to Kyiv and the countries – members of the Alliance, without involving NATO, as there are ideas among the allies from the Eastern flank.

Hristo Gadjev, who heads the Defense Committee, also explained that at the moment the question of Bulgaria‘s participation in a coalition of those wishing to provide security guarantees for Kyiv is not on the agenda. He explained the reasons behind the draft declaration of the parliament and indicated that Ukraine should be accepted into the Alliance as soon as possible after the end of the war.

Yesterday, four parliamentary groups called on Ukraine to join NATO in a declaration. The question is that there should be real actions and that this should also be the Bulgarian position at the Summit in Vilnius,” said Hristo Gadjev, chairman of the Defense Committee.

BNT: There are ideas and discussions to give security guarantees from member countries, should Bulgaria participate?

Bulgaria must be part of the general decision from the NATO Summit. The question is whether to participate in the security guarantees. The guarantees must be given with an active declaration of future membership,” Gadjev answered.

Source: Novinite
