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A priest in Croatia consented to assault 13 kids sexually

A priest in Croatia consented to assault 13 kids sexually

A priest in the Catholic church in the city of Rjeka in Croatia has confessed that he abused 13 minor boys, and as a result he was dismissed from his post.

Mate Uzinic, served as archbishop of the Catholic Church and taught at the Faculty of Theology in Rjeka. He confessed to sexually abusing 13 boys between the ages of 6 and 13.

The sexual abuses occurred during the time segment 1987-1994.

“I asked our Holy Father to release me from my duty because of the sins I committed in my youth. The sins I committed did not suit my duty. I do not blame others for my sins. I am responsible for everything. I am also very sorry for the children I have hurt, I want them to forgive me and for God to heal the wounds I have caused,” the priest’s letter says.

Source: Albanian Daily News
